Mighty Directory Loyalty Program Rewards

A breakdown of the points: 1,000 points = $5.00 credit towards any service we offer.

Sign up & Earn 100 points

Signup and start earning reward points that you can use on our website.

Reviews & Ratings 10 points

Review and rate businesses and earn points.

Submit Businesses 25 points

Submit businesses and earn points for every business thats approved.

Subscribe to Newsletter 20 points

Subscribe to the Newsletter and earn points and stay informed.

Social Media 10 points

Follow us on our Social Media Pages and earn points.

Advertise 100 points

Advertise with us and earn points and stay informed.

Request City or Town 10 points

Request a City or Town be added that we do not have and earn 10 points.

Favorite & Share 10 points

Favorite & Share any business listing and earn points and stay informed.

Submit Article 50 points

Submit a guest posts and earn 50 points. Must register to collect points.

More features coming

Sign up and start earning points towards your marketing and advertising campaign.

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Business Directory Mighty Directory
Mighty Directory Business Directory

We are dedicated to helping Local Businesses gain more exposure through online adverting and marketing solutions. This is a free American & Canadian Business Directory to help businesses be more successful.

Office Hours
  • Mon: 8am – 9pm
  • Tues: 8am – 9pm
  • Wed: 8am – 9pm
  • Thurs: 8am – 9pm
  • Fri: 8am – 9pm
  • Sat: 10am – 4pm
  • Sun: closed
Supported Countries
  • Active: 128
  • Pending: 0
  • Subscribers: 131
  • Members Online: 5
  • Active: 68
  • Pending: 0
  • Verified: 67
  • Featured: 2
  • Favorites: 0
  • Active: 0
  • Pending: 0
Blog Stats
Directory Stats
  • US Cities: 30,249
  • CA Cities: 4,882
  • Categories: 1,176
  • Total Images: 111
  • Total Videos: 12
Traffic Stats
  • 2023: 4,357,457
  • 2024: 3,047,080
  • May: 548,381
  • Jun: 519,304
  • Jul: 439,326
  • Day Before: 18,877
  • Yesterday: 27,536
  • Today: 37,141